Is it OK to give POCARI SWEAT to pregnant women and nursing mothers?
POCARI SWEAT can be consumed by nursing mothers and pregnant women, regardless of their pregnancy stage. POCARI SWEAT can even be consumed by mothers after childbirth, so that the loss of fluid during childbirth can be replaced. POCARI SWEAT is made based on scientific research done in Japan, and is produced with advanced technology and hygiene, thus it is SAFE to be consumed by pregnant and nursing women. Additionally, POCARI SWEAT does not contain any preservatives.
Is it OK for isotonic drinks to be consumed by those who have illnesses such as ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc.?
Everyone, even those with health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and so on, need to replace body fluids and ions that are lost throughout the day. But to know how much POCARI SWEAT should be consumed, the person concerned should consult a doctor / nutritionist, especially one who knows the history and condition of the illness in question.
Is it OK to give POCARI SWEAT to kids?
Yes, POCARI SWEAT is suitable for kids older than 1 year old.
Why should we drink POCARI SWEAT when experiencing dengue fever?
Indirectly. Platelets that are effective in stopping bleeding are mature platelets. This platelet maturation process can go smoothly if there are enough body fluid. Dengue fever patients lose more body fluid and thus, are more susceptible to dehydration. POCARI SWEAT can help prevent dehydration in patients with dengue fever so that the process of platelets maturation can run smoothly and on time.
What is the evidence that our bodies contain ions?
Our body fluid is salty (e.g. tears and sweat).
Is it OK to give POCARI SWEAT to the elderly?
Yes. If they have any health issues, it is advisable to consult with the treating physician who knows their medical history.
Why do we get cramps during exercise, such as during running?
Muscle cramps can occur due to the lack of warm up, too much exertion or a lack of electrolytes. To prevent cramps due to dehydration, we should drink before, during and after exercise.
Is POCARI SWEAT a substitute for oral rehydration solution (ORS) during diarrhea?
Yes, POCARI SWEAT can be used as first aid substitution for ORS to help recuperate from diarrhea. When we experience diarrhea, we lose a lot of body fluids that need to be replaced quickly. POCARI SWEAT is a scientifically formulated health hydration drink which allows for rapid rehydration. It contains seven essential electrolytes which is a critical factor in the timely absorption to the body, to rehydrate you faster, compared to plain water. But, for better rehydration process, once ORS is available, ORS consumption is recommended for diarrhea management as per WHO recommendation guidelines.
Can POCARI SWEAT cause ulcers or stomach pain?
No. Ulcers are caused by irregular eating patterns or psychological burden / stress and not because of too much isotonic drinks. Late meals / stress increases stomach acid, causing discomfort in the stomach. Although POCARI SWEAT is slightly sour in taste, it is still acceptable to the stomach.
If we stop drinking POCARI SWEAT one day, will we become addicted?
No, because POCARI SWEAT does not contain any ingredients that can cause an addiction.
Why are we advised to drink POCARI SWEAT before going to sleep?
Even when we are sleeping, we are losing body fluids, not only through our urine, but also through our sweat, breathing and evaporation from the skin. Dehydration can make your blood more viscous, causing your body to feel less comfortable, aches etc., when you wake up in the morning.
Can drinking too much POCARI SWEAT cause obesity?
No. The sugar content in POCARI SWEAT provide calories that are not large, but is just enough as a facilitator for the water and ions to be absorbed by the body faster. Thus, the function of sugar in POCARI SWEAT is not as a sweetener.
Is POCARI SWEAT powerful enough to increase platelets in patients with dengue fever?
When we are suffering from dengue fever, we lose our body fluids due to cell leakage, coupled with bleeding, fever, vomiting and urination. If the fluid lost is not replaced, the patient will become weak and some functions / processes in the body will be impaired. For example, our platelet cell maturation process that stops the bleeding will slow down, prolonged high fever, etc., which can be fatal.
Is it OK to drink POCARI SWEAT together with other medications or supplements?
Yes, as long as the prohibition to consume them along with isotonic drinks is not written in the packaging of the medications / supplements.
Why do we need to drink POCARI SWEAT when fasting?
When we fast, we cannot drink or eat for approximately 12 hours, making us susceptible to dehydration. Dehydration can inhibit our activities because it can lead to rapid fatigue, difficulty in focusing and even dizziness. Drinking POCARI SWEAT at dawn and while breaking fast can help us maintain adequate body fluids and ions during our fast, so that our body processes will run smoothly. This is because the ions in POCARI SWEAT causes the body to retain its liquid longer, thus making it harder for us to get dehydrated.
How much POCARI SWEAT should I drink in one day?
There is no consumption limit in one day, because the body fluid needs of each person is different.
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